
go2signals go2key

go2key is a decryption engine for the ARC4 stream cipher.
With the help of a “brute force attack”, our go2signals users can now decrypt the DMR Association's “Enhanced Privacy” mode, which uses the ARC4 cipher to encrypt digitized voice content

Key Facts

  • The “Enhanced Privacy” mode is implemented as standard in modern Motorola and Hytera devices
  • Other manufacturers offer DMR ARC4 Cyphering as an option (e.g. Kenwood NX series)
  • Even with the high number of around 1.1 trillion possible keys, a search takes up to 1 hour on a high-end server and 12-24 hours on a standard laptop

Your Solution For

Cracking ARC4 keys

Digital mobile radio devices (PMR) are currently of great interest due to their worldwide use, especially in security-relevant environments. Most radio devices are able to use encryption methods to protect their user groups. In order to be able to listen to encrypted speech, go2signals offers the option of decryption in its decoders. Depending on the encryption method used, the required simple keys are recognized automatically (e.g. DMR Motorola Basic, Alinco, Hytera Basic) or can be entered manually by the user.
With go2key you have the option of automatically recognizing the keys for ARC4 (e.g. Motorola Enhanced) encryption of DMR radios.

go2key requires a short recording of the data output (typically 1-4 sec) of the DMR decoder. In this data, go2key automatically searches for the keys used.

The result is a 10-digit key that can be stored in the DMR decoder.
This allows all recorded or live DMR ARC4 transmissions of this user group to be listened to and saved in clear speech.


  • PMR ARC4 key evaluation
  • Simple and fast software
  • Keys can be easily stored in PMR decoders