
shoc FAQ Reader

How Can I Share a CodeMeter License?

1. With a Standard License

Use a USB-Device-Server DS-600 from Silex or a similar products.

Tested internally and then in a second step over internet (if required)

Setup depends on LAN structure (VPN, Router, firewalls etc.)

2. With a Floating License

The floating license must be requested when ordering.

The CodeMeter license server offers services to other CodeMeter clients which run in the same LAN (Local Area Network) or in a distributed setup. On all computers where a go2signals application is correctly installed a CodeMeter license server is set up. When the go2signals application is started on a computer then the software will communicate with the CodeMeter license server on this computer. The CodeMeter client then gets a license for running the application either from the locally plugged in CodeMeter license server or it searches the LAN for other CodeMeter license servers.
The CodeMeter network license server may be located in the LAN, in the WAN, or operated in the cloud.


  • You need a license with enabled "License sharing" and on the client computer the correct "sharing enabled" license file (default.maw) must be installed. Must be specified if you order!
  • Searching for a license in a large network can be very time-consuming (sometimes up to 1-2 minutes)

Setting Up a Basic CodeMeter Server

  • Install the CodeMeter software on the server computer (if not already installed with a go2signals product).
  • Connect the dongles on the server computer
  • In the CodeMeter webAdmin, Configuration, Server: Enable the Network Server
  • Restart CodeMeter
  • Depending on the network, setup routers, firewalls etc.
  • For additional details consult the CodeMeter manual

Setting Up a CodeMeter Client

  • In the CodeMeter webAdmin, Configuration, Basic, Search List:
    If the server is not in the same sub-net, enter the Server Name or the IP address to the search list.
  • Restart go2MONITOR, go2DECODE or go2ANALYSE and check if the software will start. During start-up, you should see a message like “Scanning for Network dongle, please wait”

In case of problems:

  • Remove local dongles
  • Check if in your network port 22350 is not blocked (router, firewall, mobile network etc.)

Last update on 2024-03-07 by Rolf Haenggi.

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