
shoc FAQ Reader

How Can I Control go2MONITOR from the Command Line?

It is possible to control go2MONITOR from the command line by sending PYTHON commands


start go2MONITOR.exe --no_close
REM Start the go2MONITOR software

timeout 60
REM wait until windows is started
REM Depending on the os version, another delay command is necessary

start go2MONITOR.exe --execscriptcontent="Signalinput.changeSignalInput('File');" --no_close
REM go2MONITOR: change to file input
timeout 5

start go2MONITOR.exe --execscriptcontent="Signalinput.startFilePlayback('c:\\transfer\\tetra.wav');" --no_close
REM go2MONITOR: load tetra. wav, "\\" is windows specific

Last update on 2024-02-06 by Rolf Haenggi.

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